User Details View

Once a user is entered into EasyBridge, either directly through the program, or via the district Student Information System (SIS), their detailed information can be viewed on the user details page. Student profile information includes the following:

  • Name - First name, Middle name, Last name
  • Email address
  • School(s)
  • Grade
  • Username and password
  • SIS user ID

Fields that are grayed out cannot be edited. This information comes directly from the SIS, which is the system of record. Changes to those fields must be made directly through the organization's Student Information System (SIS). Fields marked with an asterisk are required fields and cannot be left blank.

To access a user's profile details, search or filter for the user. Click anywhere on the row of the user selected. This takes you to the user details page.

Grade Level

For auto-rostered districts that have data loaded each night from their SIS, changes made directly in EasyBridge will be overwritten by the SIS. This is particularly important regarding grade levels. Grade level is an editable field in the student profile, but you will get a message reminding you that your grade level is updated through your nightly SIS updates, and it will be overwritten.